Well, here she is in all her painted glory!
Sweet Lime, the trailer.
The view above is looking toward the back of the trailer, with the galley on your left and the fridge on your right. We rebuilt the old dinette table and mounted a map on top, trimmed it out with aluminum edging, which we also installed in all of the corners and where the walls and overhead meet.
Here you can see more of that streetside corner and the Indian on the bull.
Enough color for you?
You give up yet?
The ceiling turned out great. Flat and hard and clean looking. Yay!
Here's the galley. The entry door is just left of the oven. This is where some of the magic happens.
Galley and dinette. Beautiful, if I do say so myself.
Which I do.
Here you can see the front gaucho that pulls out into a kind of full/twin bed, longer than the dinette/bed conversion, but narrower. Good for naps with the bull dog and looking out the open door at whatever view is present.
Are those cushions da bomb? That Woman on The Verge, she can do anything!
That gorgeous floor again.
Okay, so, that's how she sits right now. There's still some interior trim to install, the molding for the floor, and more stenciling or decoupage for the border trim, but the inside is pretty much a done deal. It was a lot more work than we thought going in to it, and we're pretty experienced painters (ask the Woman on the Verge how many times she's painted our kitchen!). We took it one step at a time, though, and never panicked. Just had another drink, put our heads down, and plowed ahead.
We love it super bad.
We can't wait to take her out!
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